official sources+non official
Deaths of tigers in India
Year 2014
Year 2013
Year 2012
Year 2011

Deaths décember 16
Kanker x2 CH 01/12
SathyamgalamTN 04/12 |
Orang AS 07/12 |
Bandipur KA 08/12 |
Dudhwa UP 09/12 |
Tadoba MA 16/12 |
Wyanad KA 17/12 |
Mudumalai x2 TN 19/12 |
Mancherial x2 TN 20/12 |
Corbett UT 28/12 |
Bhimgad KA 29/12 |
Bandipur KA 31/12 |
Tadoba MA 31/12 |
Pilibhit the new tiger reserve, sees its tigers vanishing quickly. Investigations have shown that the animals were killed by poachers living on the fringes of the park.
This is the new beginning in the history like Sariska or Panna. In recent years, the tigers of these parks increased from 25/35 to 0.
For Pilibhit in 2010: 40 tigers, in 2012: 30, in 2013: 23, in 2014: ?
Deaths november 05
Muddumalai TN 10/11
Tadoba MA 12/11 |
Corbett UT 28/11 |
Pench MP 30/11 |
UmredKalahad MA26/10 |
3 tigers and 2 leopards just been fitted with collars in Tadoba. The goal is to find out which forests patchs using by cats to migrate, in order to protect or restore these habitats. Tadoba is indeed one of the few parks to see its workforce in surplus.
Deaths october 05
Muddumalai TN 05/10
Kanha MP 19/10 |
Pilibhit UP 18/10 |
Pune MA 24/10 |
UmredKalahad MA26/10 |
Madhya Pradesh state decided to transfer three tigers from Bandhavgarh to Sanjay and Satpura.
Sanjay park is very low in the number of tigers 5, but what will be the protection of animals that will be brought back? There really is no structure for this purpose.
A dilemma: let the tigers in Bandhavgarh and they kill, or put them somewhere else and they are most likely to be poached.
Deaths septemb. 06
Corbett UT 04/09
Bandhavgarh MP 08/09 |
Bandhavgarh MP 09/09 |
Panna MP 19/09 |
Muddumalai TN 24/09 |
BRT KA 28/09 |
Assam has applied for a fourth tiger reserve: the Orang park extended to the adjacent forest reserves would be 790 km2 adjacent to the Kaziranga Park. Better protection of this key sector would be a possibility for Kaziranga's tigers to migrate with security.
40 tigers missing in the last count in Maharastra. Poaching appears to be the cause. The affected parks are Nagzira, Melghat, Bor and Umred-Kalahad. Poachers from the community Baheliya have killing at least 20 to 25 tigers in recent years.
These figures are to be compared with the seizures of skins in many parts of the country. The fight against poaching is endless in a country where poverty is large.
As the demand in products from tiger parts exist in Asian countries (China is in the top list), there will be little chance of saving the tiger.
It is a tragic fact. When the tigers are gone, it will fall back to the lions (this is already the case). When the lions are gone, etc, etc ...
The disappearance of lions followed the same downward trend as tigers with a lag of 30 years ...
I can not imagine our world without wild animals.
A second good news for Sariska. Another tigress ST10 just had 2 cubs. This is the first litter for this one.
It's decided I'm going to make a turn to see the situation by myself. I'll be at the end of November, and I'd make a record of the situation. I hope to find a better situation than that found during my visit in 2011.
Deaths august 07
Bandhavgarh MP 05/08
Bandhavgarh MP 06/08 |
Bandhavgarh MP 08/08 |
Bandhavgarh MP 18/08 |
NagarjunasagarAP23/08 |
Mudumalai TN 24/08 |
NagarjunasagarAP24/08 |
Kankati, the blind tigress of Bandhavgarh has been found dead. 2 of his 3 little cubs are dead. Earlier in the park, another tiger was killed, presumably as Kankati in a fight. At this time the story is terrible for tigers in Bandhavgarh.

State of Tamil Nadu has filed a classification request for a 5th tiger reserve. These forests Megamalai, Svrivilliputhur and Varushanadu. One study found 10 tigers in this region which is adjacent to Periyar. In Tamil Nadu, the classification of sanctuaries has allowed an increase in the population of 53 tigers in 1998 to 163 in 2011.
Deaths july 05
Bandhavgarh MP 16/07
Parambikulam KE 17/07 |
Chandrapur MA 19/07 |
Bhandara MA 27/07 |
Phanto UT 30/07 |
A Study on the corridor between Tadoba to Nagzira, demonstrated the presence of 27 tigers, mainly in the forests of Brahmapuri. Demonstrate the urgent need to protect these corridors for tigers to migrate from one reserve to another. The genes of animals can thus exchange and enable genetic diversity.
In Nagzira the number of tigers has fallen (10-6) despite the park expansion (152 up to 655 km2)..
Good news in Sariska. A litter of 2 tiger cubs by tigress ST2. At Last! For the rest, protection, relocation of villages, road conviction, livestock grazing, etc ... Nothing advance.
Kudremukh, Rajaji and Bor just received final acceptance to the status of Tiger reserve. Ratapani and Sunabeda are on the next list.
Myanmar, China and India have signed a protection agreement for the conservation of Namdapha region. This vast territory untouched by modernism is 71000 km2 distributed to 66% on Myanmar, 22% for China and 12% for India..
Census of Dudhwa tigers very encouraging: 60 tigers in main area.
New tiger reserve Sathyamangalam seen its numbers tigers are wising up quickly. 60 Tigers 1400 km2, with good protection and abundant prey. Number to check.
Deaths june 05
Bandipur KA 09/06
Kaziranga AS 10/06 |
Coimbatore TN 14/06 |
Tadoba MA 24/06 |
Corbett UT 30/06 |
3 poachers just been sentenced to five years in prison after an extremely fast legal procedure, based on Dna tests. An important step in the fight against poaching.
These men have their "active" 16 tigers, leopards 2 and 1 bear, mainly killed in Melghat.
A poacher was killed in a shootout with guards of Kaziranga Park. Two others were wounded but escaped. A tiger carcass was discovered.
2 tiger cubs of the first litter of T5 are died. This captive tigress, had been imported to Panna in 2011.
100.000 trees will be replanted on a surface of 100 hectares between Kanha and Pench parks to recreate a viable corridor for tigers. This private initiative is conducted by Grow-Trees
2 new villages will be relocated from Similipal park.
This park has long lived with in forests, the presence of Naxalites poaching to feed their fight against the government.
The park is in front of a long and difficult road for her integrity. The staff, with 50% of its workforce, is insufficient, but now things are moving with real effort.
We will follow the evolution of this reserve of 2750 km2 in the heart of the state of Odisha. There were 23 tigers in the last census in 2010.
The park could accommodate more than 150.
Deaths may 09
Coimbatore KE 01/05
Jameria UT 03/05
Kodaikanal 03/05 |
Bandhavgarh MP 13/05 |
Mannarkkad KE 16/05 |
Valmiki BI 21/05 |
Nilgiris TN 23/05 |
Bandhavgarh MP 28/05 |
Balaghat MP 29/05 |
The tigress T5, bred in captivity in Kanha and relocated to Panna, has given birth to two small tigers.
At present there are 30 tigers in the park. To go there regularly, I must say that these tigers are very shy. Only the tigress T4 is easily visible.
Deaths april 05
Nagarhole KA 09/04
Valmiki BI 15/04 |
Gebua UT 15/04 |
Wayanad KE 18/04 |
Orang AS 19/04 |
365 days without poaching in Népal.
This is the result of effective control which until recently led to the arrest of very large traffickers. The result is even more significant that Kathmandu is a hub of traffic species in Asia.
A new tiger reserve is approved for Pilibhit in UP. The forests of this sanctuary are free from humans, occupation rare situation in India..
Deaths march 09
Valmiki BI 10/03
Kanha MP 13/03 |
Sanghli MA 13/03 |
Anamalai TN 17/03 |
Sahyadri x2 MA 18/03 |
Kaziranga AS 19/03 |
Pipal Padav UT 21/03 |
Manas AS 25/03 |
Tigress T6 , imported from Pench to Panna on January 21 , has found his feet in the wild. It is located on the territory of T3 and T111, 2 males. Will we soon learn the joy of new births with this tigress which validate the success of this relocation ?
Deaths february 08
Bandhavgarh MP 08/02
Kanha MP 09/02 |
Melghat x4 MA 00/02 |
Sathyamangal TN 16/02 |
Kaziranga AS 20/02 |
A new breakthrough for Tadoba sees its buffer zone closed to mining, power plants, sawmills, etc., all polluting activities. 1,347 km2 will be protected.
To stop the poaching of Indian Rhinoceros, Kaziranga authorities plan to cut the horn of these animals. This solution has already been applied in Africa . With what results?
A new legal action is filed to oppose the translocation of some Gir lions to Khuno.
The gang of poachers arrested last year in Melghat just confessed to have killed more than 12 tigers between 2012 and 2013. A dealer also arrested says that these men have killed more than 20 tigers. The DNA analyzes in the camp poachers show 4 different tigers on the leftovers.
A 6-month project has begun this month in Panna park. For the first time in India, we will be monitoring tigers with drones. At the same time we can also detect poachers. UAVs offer opportunities monitoring in inaccessible places. They can do the work of dozens of rangers. The devices are equipped with cameras for evidence in the event of suspicious movements.
Deaths january 07
Melghat MA 10/01
Sathyamangal TN 21/01 |
Ooty TN 23/01 |
Nagarjunassar AP 23/01 |
Mudumalai TN 24/01 |
Amanalai TN 25/01 |
Kanha MP 31/01 |
Poachers just been arrested in Sariska. The future of this park is not at all pleasing.
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