official sources+non official
Deaths of tigers in India
comparison with last year
Year 2013
Year 2012
Year 2011
My table of tigers populations in India.
<-- On my blog (link against left), the report of my last trips in India in April/May 2013. Photos, videos and texts. These videos are in HD (click Vimeo) or all directly related Viméo
Deaths december 06
Kaziranga AS 01/12
Corbett x2 UP 15/12 |
Bandipur KA 19/12 |
Aampokhra UT 22/12 |
Nagarhole KA 29/12 |
The new tiger census has started throughout the country. The final results will be given at the end of 2014, but we should have the evaluations around April.
Nagzira has been officially named Tiger Reserve. It is associated with Navageon park and Navageon, New Nagzira et Koka reserves. The entire Nagzira-Navegeon tiger reserve has an area of 656 km2 and is the fifth tiger reserve in Maharastra.
A captive tigress 4 years old will be transferred from Pench to Nagzira. In this park, there remains just a male and two tigress 10 and 14 years old. He can not be a future without a new young mother. The latest news talk on a second tigress be transferred from Pench.
Deaths november 05
Corbett UT 01/11
Bandhavgarh MP 11/11 |
Bandhavgarh MP 13/11 |
Wyanad KE 21/11 |
Pilibhit UT 26/11 |
The tiger reserve of Satkosia don't want to host the orphan tiger should repopulate the park. Satkosia has no tigers due to poaching. Satkosia want to remain a "tiger reserve" without tigers. What is expected to withdraw this title ... and subsidies that go with it. Funds are limited, they are given to those who do something and not to fatten people who are on pensions situations. It is time to clean. The tigers have "bon dos" but they have no time.
2 poachers arrested in Orissa, 3 dealers in Delhi, 2 traffickers in Bihar, 1 poacher in Karnataka. |
In Bandipur, authorities try to transfer the temples outside the park. An example to follow for many temples in other national parks.
Deaths october 04
Kaziranga AS 05/10
Melghat MA 09/10 |
Valmiki BI 10/10 |
Kanha MA 18/10 |
To avoid conflicts, Karnataka will transfer 25 elephants..
2 poachers arrested in Assam, 4 poachers in Golaghat, 2 traffickers in Delhi, 1 poacher in Haryana. |
The trafficker arrested, Sarju Bagdi, admits now 20 tigers poached.
Deaths septemb 02
Wyanad UK 07/09
Kaziranga AS 15/09 |
Ranthambore guards are looking for a tiger 2 and a half years old that came out of the park in search of a territory to him.
A likely increase in Bihar tiger reserve (10 -> 22). A check.
The village of Navegeon in Tadoba was transferred out there a month ago. Since wildlife quickly regained the vacant space. We see now chitals, wild boars and ... a tiger.
One news that will delight lovers of tigers in Panna national park.
3 cubs are born. Great !!
Deaths august 01
Sawadh MA 25/08
The small Orang park, Assam, saw its population increase by 17 tigers: 3 males, 16 females, 4 young, 1 undefined gender. This is a new amazing, because for the surface 79 km2, the park has the highest density of tigers in the country. Yet he must believe, tigers have been identified by pictures.
There will be a veterinarian for tiger reserves of Maharashra.
A new one rhino killed in Manas. This park does not end with his tragic fate.
Deaths july 03
Kaziranga AS 01/07
Bandhavgarh MP 04/07 |
Parambikulam KE 16/07 |
Do not spoil our pleasure, the good news is so rare.
Nepal has just released the census figure of tigers on its territory.
The estimated number is 198, between 163 and 235. The increase of 63% compared to 2009.
Bardia-> increased to 50 (45 - 55) from 18 (17-29) previous
Shuklaphanta-> increased to 17 (13-21) from 8 (8-14)
Chitwan-> increased to 120 (98-139) from 91 (71-147)
The study covered 1,870 km2 of tiger habitat and produced 7699 images of the big cats.
It is about to release on bail Sandar Chand, the biggest poacher jailed in India.
To his credit more than 200 tigers killed. Lawyers are busy, the conservationists are excited, and I'm disgusted.
Tadoba will be studied from all angles by the WII. A map of the park will be made to assess the density of tigers, ratios, prey, but also the corridors, villages, mines, roads, infrastructure, livestock population, etc.. The study will run for five years. Nagzira, Navegaon, Bor and Chaprala will be part of the project. Great news!
Bandhavgarh Bandhavgarh pay a high price: 7 tigers died in 9 months.
The park has lost in little time 13% of these animals.
Everyone knows (at least I hope) that the high density of the park leads to serious problems of cohabitation. At a time when many parks have lost their tigers, others need new blood to prevent the degeneration of the race. What do we do? NOTHING, it is preferred that these animals kill themselves rather than relocate them where they could live and be useful to the survival of the species.
All this reminds me the case of Asian lions awaiting relocation from ... 17 years.
I wonder how the tigers are to survive in these conditions. Unfortunately it is only a matter of time for a sad and unforgivable end..
An allocation of 35 boats was made to Kaziranga to effectively fight against poaching active at a time when the park is flooded by monsoon rains and overflowing river waters.
Tadoba has 2 times more tigers in the buffer zone than in the pricipale area. Here too the dead tigers are rising. Tadoba and Bandhavgarh should be used for other parks. We know relocating these animals, but beyond speeches, policy blocking any consideration of conservation.
Nationally, the dead tigers have just doubled compared to 2011 ...
Developer: A case of poaching of 23 years old!! has been found in Haridwar, Uttarakhand. The accused was sentenced to three years imprisonment and Rs 10,000 (€ 128) for poaching of tigers and leopards. Initially there were four defendants: two died and one was acquitted. For a few, the condemned could also die of old age while continuing his activity before. This is a big problem of the anti-poaching in India. Is stopped and relaxes, then the folders are buried and no convictions.
Price of success, fees park for tourists, jeeps, taxes for lens (250mm +), etc ..., will greatly increase in Tadoba. In my estimation, it will take more 35%
Orang, the small park in Assam, saw its population increase by 17 tigers: 3 males, 16 females, 4 young, 1 undefined sex. This is a new amazing, because for the surface 79 km2, the park has the highest density of tigers in the country. But you have to believe, tigers have been identified by pictures.
There will be a veterinarian for each of the three tiger reserves in Maharashra.
Deaths june 15
Corbett UT 01/06
Kolhapur UT 03/06 |
Divers X9 MA 06/06 |
Hingna MA 09/06 |
Melghat MA 09/06 |
Kaziranga AS 18/06 |
Kadi GU 25/06 |
Following the scandal of multiple tigers killed, Maharashtra reopens records 50 cases of poaching are blocked since 1996 ! To do it simply, to my knowledge in recent years, only a poacher was sentenced.
1200 villagers / poachers were hired as conservationists in Similipal park along which they live. Since then, very little poaching. Affair to follow over the long term.
9 TIGERS KILLED: Another incredible case of poaching. 2 poachers arrested (17 and 20). The first revelations gave five tigers killed. Then as and when the tragic account grows. Now we come to 9 tigers killed (recently). Who still wants to believe that tigers will survive in India in 10 years. For conservationists and lovers of tigers, we now know that 2 tigers in Melghat, 2 (Tumsar tiger and Tiroda) in Gondia, 2 near Ramtek, 1 (Zamkoli tiger) in Tadoba, 2 others in Vidardha (Mandla and Seoni)are in China in the pots of a pseudo-pharmacopoeia aphrodisiac. Of course, these 9 tigers do not appear in official statistics, the following rule: only are recognized tigers found in totality (a tiger skin (or bones) is not a dead tiger!)
NTCA has sent a team of experts to assess the Satkosia tiger population. The estimate gives one or two individuals, very close extinction. Satkosia was declared a Tiger Reserve in 2007 with a small population of 8 tigers. In the current situation, we try to give into the wild the male tiger that escaped from the zoo Nandankana, a week ago. But is it possible?
The situation is far from settle against poaching. There has never been more tigers killed (except under British colonial rule).
Sirs responsible official figures:
Could you finally consider that finding a tiger skin means that the tiger is dead and poached.
Deaths may 09
Corbett UT 2/05
Wayanad KE 09/05
Bandipur KA 10/53 |
Bandhavgarh MP 11/05 |
Kanha MP 11/05 |
Bandhavgarh MP 19/05 |
Nagarhole KA 25/05 |
Corbett UT 27/05 |
Corbett UT 30/05 |
Your numbers would certainly be less flattering, but closer to the truth. Even go a little effort, not wait 10 years to assimilate and accept. The world does not want you (instead). We know that the fight against poaching is very difficult. I note, however, after 10 years in the field, things are moving (slowly). We begin to approach the subject more easily.
Table of actual and verified figures (though still well below reality).
01 to 05 - 2011/2013 ---> 83% in 2 years, the same period
Count in Indian part in Sunderbans gives 103 tigers.
Maharashtra plans to relocate tigers in excess Tadoba to Melghat.
After Sathyamangalam in Tamil Nadu, Rajaji Park in Uttarakhand has been awarded the title of Tiger reserve. Improved beyond animal welfare should follow for this decision.
Scientists have conducted a study in making DNA samples on tiger skins killed 100 years ago during the british occupation and kept at the British Museum.
They found a large number of variables in the DNA. The scientists then compared with the DNA of living nowadays tigers. This "modern" DNA has lost 93% of the diversity of ancient DNA.
The fault of tiger populations scattered (1700 against 40,000) that can not reproduce them on reduced to skin territories of grief (7% of the original surface), and isolated them..
Kerala announces that a population more than 100 individuals tigers. A good news confirms that the Southern Ghats represents perhaps the last chance of survival for these animals.
State of Maharashtra has photographed 141 different tigers in its four tiger reserves (Tadoba 43+22, Melghat 29 to 35, Sahyadri 21 and Pench 19 = 134 to 140). To 169 in 2010 and 155 in 2012.
Two young tigers are being killed by a train near Tadoba.
Rajasthan will relocate 24 villages in order to create a safe corridor between Ranthambore tiger reserve, Kaila Devi Wildlife Sanctuary and Sawai Mansingh Sanctuary wildlife.
Deaths april 06
Amravati MA 10/04
Mandya KA 12/04 |
Tadoba MA x2 14/04 |
Corbett UT 18/04 |
Pench MP 22/04 |
Gujarat announces want to do everything to avoid sending some lions from Gir to Khuno, in Maddhya Pradesh, as ordered him by the Supreme Court.
The court's decision is intended to prevent the species disappears if an outbreak occurs. Having a 2nd strain that offers security, but Gujarat is not sensitive to this argument, preferring to keep the privilege of owning the only population of Asian lions..
Gangs of poachers continue: a disaster. Western Ghats: 8 tigers killed, Bandhavgarh: 5 tigers in recent months, ...
which was carefully suppressed in the past appears finally into the light:
There will be no tigers here 5 years if the poachers are arrested and punished.
Two good news for rhinos:
- In Manas, a rhino transferred in the park gave birth to a baby.
- In Kaziranga, drones will (finally) get to hunt the poachers.
Sathyamangalam is declared tiger reserve and Rajaji applies for access to this status.
Deaths march 15
Ramnagar UT 03/03
Melghat MA 04/03 |
Bandipur KA 05/03 |
BRT KA x2 05/03 |
Bhavanisagar 06/03 |
Ramnagar UT 08/03 |
Rajaji UT 09/03 |
Porthihada TN 13/03 |
Calicut KE 13/03 |
Wayanad KE 14/03 |
Sunderbans WB 14/03 |
Nagarhole KA 18/03 |
Ranthambore RA 18/03 |
Nagarhole KA 25/03 |
A true census is finally made in Bangladesh on 10 000 km2 of the Sunderbans. Photos traps will be used for the first time. The last count announced 440 tigers. It is expected to exceed 200.
In Gir, 92 asian lions have died over the past two years.
deaths february 15
Ponna KA 05/02
Rajaji UT 08/02 |
Orang AS 09/02 |
Orang AS 11/02 |
Nagarhole KA 13/02 |
Similipal OR 16/02 |
Bandipur KA17/02 |
Lucknow UT x5 21/02 |
Nagarhole KA 25/02 |
Bandhavgarh MP 25/02 |
Orang AS 26/02 |
Sloth-Bears will be reintroduced in Sariska where they disappeared for decades. These animals come from Mount Abu and they have a collar to be able to follow.
A tigress has been transferred from Ranthambore to Sariska to increase the tiger population in the park devastated by poachers in the past. There are now two tigers, four tigress and two cubs. Only one female gave 2 cubs, source of many questions.
Another familiar refrain: A tiger bother us: THE solution: kill him (Navegeon, Maharastra, 12/01/2013)
deaths january 08
Chandrapur MA 03/01
Kaziranga AS 07/01 |
Navegaon MA 12/01 |
Bandipur KA 17/01 |
Pench MP 17/01 |
Corbett UT 18/01 |
Thengumarah. TN 21/01 |
Cherangode 29/01 |
2 rhinos are being killed in Manas. Since the reintroduction of rhinos since 2008, 18 animals were established. 5 have been poached since. The story again.
UNESCO UNESCO heritage Manas = cemetery
Year 2012: Balance dramatic. Is it a better action to take more seizures? Or is it not rather a demand that explodes with the incresing money power of Chineses ? We'll see how the numbers are interpreted. From the authorities, there will be no surprises. You who follow this site, you already know my answer. What interressera me, it is the opinion of people like Ullas Karanth and other serious scientists.
Wait and see.
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