Tiger's mortality in India
Natural deaths
YEAR 2012
55 (+xxx...)
+40 %
YEAR 2011
Balance sheet is dramatic. Is it a better action which captures more spoils ? But is it not rather a request that explodes with the purchasing power of China ? We will see how these numbers are interpreted. From the authorities, there will be no surprise. You who follow this site, you already know my answer. What interests me is the opinion of people like Ullas Karanth and other serious scientists. Wait and see. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013 to all.
Third poaching case in Bandhavgarh in 1 month. Same process by electrocution. What do the authorities busted the culprits ?
December 2012
1+ 4 = 5
Natural deaths
Seizures |
Kaziranga AS 07/12 |
Wyanad KE 03/12 |
Bandhavgarh MP 07/12 |
Ranthambore RA 23/12 |
Bandhavgarh MP 26/12 |
Second poaching case in Bandhavgarh in 15 days. Same process by electrocution.
Sad story in Wayanad. Due to its high density of tigers, the reserve has filed an application to be classified Tiger reserve. This was without counting on people who wanted to keep their rights to the forest. The spirits are heated until a tiger come to see the cattle of the villagers.
There was enough as a pretext. The villagers led rangers to kill the tiger to be quiet. The tiger was a tiger for his misfortune. He paid. He's dead.
The first phase of census in Dudhwa is very promising. Officials expect to see an increase in the tiger population. However, it should weigh enthusiasm. We went from 40 traps in the previous picture count to 120 for the current.
November 2012
3+ 2 = 5
Natural deaths
Seizures |
Bandipur KA 08/11 |
Bandhavgarh MP 17/11 |
Waynad KE 13/11 |
Chandrapur AP 28/11 |
Mudumalai TN 29/11 |
Good news in Tadoba which has a large population of tigers but also suffers significant losses of these animals. Young tigers 1 year and 1/2 to 2 years will be equipped with radio collars. Scientists want to know where these animals migrate to protect them and their future territories and follow their genetics. 5-7 individuals will be affected each year. That will delight researchers and to pester the photographers. But it's for a good cause. Start of operations in March 2013 for a period of 5 years minimum..
Good initiative in Sariska. It was decided to carry out night patrols. 5 teams were formed for this purpose. These guards will operate on five areas patrolling sixty circuits. On the other hand, villagers were approached to serve as indicators to the police. A bonus will be given for good informations on poachers.
A tigress was found electrocuted in Bandhavgarh, Khitoli range. This procedure is often used by poachers.
MONTIER en DER --> I invite you to come visit me on the stand ENERGY TRIP under the tent. We can talk about the circuits that I accompany this French agency.
On the menu: INDIA with the tiger of course, but also the snow leopard, PANTANAL with the jaguar, TANZANIA with outsized circuits, KENYA with big cats and wildebeest migration.
To find me it is simple, there will be large format photographs of tigers ... See you soon dear friends.

Several gangs of poachers were arrested in Kaziranga. Salute the courage and effectiveness of guards and units are responsible for the protection of animals in this region. The work is more important and difficult. Poachers are heavily armed and will not hesitate to shoot automatic weapons at the guards. The constant increase of rhinos killed for their horn is a real problem.
The state of Odisha has lost at least 296 dead elephants by electrocution over the last 5 years.
Parks in India can reopen. Psychodrama, which lasted 4 months and 6 reports of dates ends. Result: NOTHING. Everybody is scared. Everyone breath. That's India.
October 2012
4+ 4 = 9
Natural deaths
Seizures |
BRT KA 09/10 |
Pench MP 01/10 x 2 |
Chandrapur MA 10/10 |
BRT KA 18/10 |
Ratapani MP 18/10 |
Kollegal 20/10 |
Mudumalai TN 31/10 |
Tadoba MA 27/10 |
Thailand: The authorities just arrested a smuggler with 16 cubs in his truck. Aged 1 to 2 months, poor cubs are promised to end their lives in a zoo after seeing kill their mothers. The seizure occurred at the border with Laos. But Thailand is the largest center of traffic.
The 42nd-tiger reserve has been created. It is Kawal. 5 other newly approved: Sunabeda, Pilibhit, Mukundara Hills, Ratapani, Satyamangalam. A sixth is proposed.
Three more tigers to Sariska. A tigress from Ranthambore, a tiger and a tigress of Maddhya Praddesh and Maharastra.
For those who are in the area (especially the Belgians) I'll be at the festival in Namur, and present my exhibition "The last tigers in India." A good opportunity to talk about things that are important to us. See you on 12/13/14 October.
Thank you to all friends of the tiger came and with whom I could share. Merçi for the warm welcome.

A tigress has been poached inside the indian zoo Itanagar.The guards found the unfortunate beast cut into pieces inside his enclosure.
I fear that the method becomes widespread, given the disappearance of wild tigers. Indonesia had initiated the "thing" with a Sumatran tiger.
September 2012
2+ 8 = 10
Natural deaths
Seizures |
Hanur KA 08/09 |
Similipal OD 03/09 |
Nilgiri TN 11/09 |
Dudhwa UT 03/09 |
Dudhwa UT 05/09 X 2 |
Chandrapur MA 10/09 |
Ratapani HA 25/09 |
Seoni MP 29/09 X 2 |
The Indian Supreme Court has postponed its decision on September 27. REPORT October 3.
It will then revise the terms of tourism in parks where the tiger this.
August 2012
4+ 1 = 5
Natural deaths
Seizures |
Nainital, Terai UT 01/08 |
Gurgaon HA 01/08 |
Wyanad KE 06/08 |
Pilibhit UP 06/08 |
Valmiki BI 23/08 |
The story again.
After Sariska and Panna, Palamau reserve knows the same fate. Because of poaching, it remains just a male tiger aged and sterile. The few surviving tigress can no longer reproduce. Palamau were 44 tigers in 1997...
Despite efforts, cases of poaching of tigers has doubled in a year.
Sariska. A cub was photographed. It's probably a baby of the tigress T2.
This birth terminates 5 years of waiting.
Following the killing of tigers in the park in 2005, new tigers were brought from Ranthambore to replenish the population.
On July 24, the Indian Supreme Court has decided to ban tourism in core areas of Tiger Reserves, National parks and Wildlife sanctuaries.
Reactions are numerous. See my summary of the arguments for and against here in french
July 2012
3+ 5 = 8
Natural deaths
Seizures |
Bandipur KA 02/07 |
Tadoba MA 03/07 |
Bannakhera UT 22/07 |
Bramhapuri MA 24/07 |
Corbett UT 23/07 |
Kanha MP 24/07 |
Panna MP 27/07 |
Kanha MP 28/07 |
Kaziranga in turn adopted the solution of a drone to monitor the animals, especially during the monsoon. Poachers are obviously different target.
Hécatombe in Indonesia. 14 Sumatran tigers found dead in the hands of poachers.
State of Gujarat has created a protected area of 109 km close to Amhanabad to host lions of Gir.
First news: Conservatives Chitwan Park in Nepal are testing a drone to monitor the animals ... and poachers who plagued the region. Two drones will be used with a range of 25 km. They take videos and mark the locations with a GPS. This is an initiative that could greatly help the fight against poaching.
June 2012
7+ 6 = 13
Natural deaths
Seizures |
Bandhavgarh MP 01/06 |
Corbett UT 01/06 |
Bandipur KA 01/06 |
Pench MA 01/06 |
Sunderbans WB 05/06 |
Corbett UT X4 05/06 |
Sunderbans WB 09/06 |
Bopal MP 06/06 |
Welgaon MA 29/06 |
BRT KA 12/06 |
Junora MA 30/06 |
Provorim GOA 15/06 |
Daba MA 30/06 |
Evasion: A tiger, captive in a pen in Bandhavgarh, escaped by jumping the fence 3m high. The authorities come to realize that a tiger is capable of much more high and long jumps...
Corbett park is facing a combination of problems: slaughter of tigers due to poaching, but also conflict with men. And implausible multiplication of hotels in the buffer zone. See a study on this problem. lire ici
15 tigers in Corbett in 2 months, 8 in Tadoba in 5 months, 18 tigers killed in Maddhya Pradesh on the confessions of arrested poachers, 3 tigers in Pilibhit and in Kisenpur... in 5 days. This is a disaster.
May 2012
2+ 4 = 6
Natural deaths
Seizures |
Bandhavgarh MP 13/05 |
Chandrapur MA 18/05 |
Kishenpur UP 27/05 |
Pilibhit UP 24/05 |
Pilibhit UP 25/05 |
Mumbai 21/05 |
Realizing the alarming level of poaching, as well as the inefficiency of the means used, different personalities of Maharashtra forest officials have authorized the shooting of poachers caught in the discharge of their sickening acts. This solution, already used in Africa where the killings of rhinos and elephants have flared up, seems to be working. In any case more than a $ 100 fine ...
3 baby cubs tigers recently born in Panna. Nice, good news.
WII has been commissioned to investigate a mass poaching of elephants in the reserve Similipal.
An official report is recognizing the loss of minimum 337 tigers in the last decade.
The Indian rhino population has exceeded 2,500 . This is the result of an effective fight against poaching intensity in this border region.
April 2012
7+ 7 = 14
Natural deaths
Seizures |
Melghat MA 02/04 |
Mudumalai MA 06/04 |
Corbett UP 08/04 |
Periyar KA 06/04 |
Phanto UT 24/04 |
Badigeri K 11/04 |
Kaziranga 25/04 |
Tadoba MA 26/04 |
Bandipur KA 27/04 |
Raipur CH 23/04 x2 |
Amanalai TN 28/04 |
Corbett UP 25/04 |
Nagarhole KA 28/04 |
Hindustan Times reveals that the only state of the Uttarakand admits the death of 49 to 54 tigers in less than a year. The costings were intersected with the statements of arrested poachers. It is chilling when you consider that this state harbored only 10% of the population of tigers in India.
March 2012
3+ 4 = 7
Natural deaths
Seizures |
Bandhavgarh MP 13/03 |
Tipeshwar MA 08/03 |
Corbett UT 08/03 |
Bijnore MA 07/03 |
Orang AS 07/03 |
Tadoba MA 01/03 |
Amanalai TN 26/03 |
The Indian Ministry of Environment has just declared "inviolable" about 1000 km2 of all the tiger reserves of the country. Originally the project of protection, in 1972, it was all the main areas of the reserves which had this status. The total area was 15 times higher.
7 Tigers were killed by poachers in the state of Maharashtra during the last 4 months.
We talk of the translocation of cheetahs from Namibia to India. It must be done within a year.
It's been two years since we said that be done within a year.
February 2012
3+ 3 + x? = 6 + x?
Natural deaths
Seizures |
Corbett UT 21/02 |
Tadoba MA 19/02 |
Nagarhole KA 17/02 |
Haldibari AS 04/02 |
Kanha MP 11/02 |
Navgaon AS 03/02 |
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx? |
A tiger killed by a vehicle in the state of Maharashtra.
The situation of poaching is an alarming stage in Assam. The authorities are aware. They asked the staff to do more.
A network of poachers has been updated with the arrest of 11 members of three gangs that hit four states, they confessed the murder of 18 tigers in the Maddhya Praddesh, Chattisgarh, the Uttarahkand, the Odhisa. The last 5 tigers were killed in January in the parks of Corbett and Rajaji. That proves that contrary to statements oficial poaching is far from limited.
Than the official figures include only seizures and they are in no way a reflection of reality (for the authorities the number of tigers poached is the number of corpses seized. Point.)
If this arrest had not occurred, these 18 tigers would not appear in official statistics.
Besides, they will surely not be counted.
Karnataka gets a military force and driven to face the coming of tribes Bahelia and Pardi, considered as originating from poachers Maddhya Pradesh. Protection should cover the parks of Bandipur, Nagarhole and Badhra.
January 2012
1+ 4 = 5
Natural deaths
Seizures |
Kaziranga AS 25/01 |
Jharan MA 23/01 |
Panitanki WB 18/01 |
Karamadai KA 13/01 |
Corbett UT 11/01 |