Décember 2008
Sad news from Bandhavgarh. A flock guard was killed by a tiger in the buffer zone. Another conflict human / animal. A great misfortune for the family of that person, and great sadness for this tiger.
This is the last male of Churbara's litter, which just so sad to celebrate his 3rd birthday. I had the chance to shoot for the 1st time at the age of 3 months.
I remember the wonderful moments that the tiger has given me in a cold morning in November, but also the rare vision of this small cub of 3 months with his sister and his mother playing in a creek, a spring morning.
The park guards have captured and sent into captivity at the zoo of Bhopal.

I return to these figures and the interpretation that I was in October.
The table below has been provided by the Indian Ministry of Environment and Forests. This is the total of animals killed in India. You can get to any point misinformation continues. For example, where are the 24 tigers killed in the Sariska reserve only discovered in 2005?!
Only figures for the lions seem realistic. When the leopard, it would be laughable if it were not tragic ...
The day the Indian authorities recognize reality, a huge step will be taken.
I fear that day arrives when there will be no tigers in the wild ...
Now the figures of the Wildlife Society of India:
24 tigers and 141 leopards killed / captured in 2008
"According to a report in National Geographic News, at least 141 leopards have fallen to poaching so far in 2008, compared to 24 tigers killed in the same period, indicated by estimates from the New Delhi-based nonprofit Wildlife Protection Society of India."
140 % of errors or omissions for tigers and 1662% for leopards.
No comment.
This time Panna will have the honors, after being criticized.
Poaching has decimated the tigers of this park (in the manner of Sariska). The authorities have decided to bring 2 of Bandhavgarh's tigresses to the male remains.. |
End January, the 1st tigress will be brought by helicopter. Soon followed by a 2nd.
Hopefully this time the Panna reserve will be protected ...
November 2008
8 forests come to take place in the Projet Tiger. Funds will be given on a period of 5 years to relocate villages, pay forest guards... |
It is: Udanti-Sita Nadi wildlife sanctuary (1580 km2), Anamalai-Parambikulam wildlife sanctuary (1410 km2), in Tamil Nadu and in Kerala, Satkosia wildlife sanctuary (988km2) in Orissa, Kaziranga national park (916 km2) in Assam, Achanakmar wildlife sanctuary (963 km2) in Chattisgarh, Dandeli Wildlife sanctuary-Anshi national park (831 km2) in Karnataka, Sanjay National Park-Sanjay Dubri wildlife sanctuary (831 km2) in Madhya Pradesh, Mudummalai wildlife sanctuary (321 km2) in Tamil Nadu.
Last year, gouvernement had nommed 4 new tiger reserves: Sunabeda Tiger Reserve in Orissa, Shahyadri Tiger Reserve in Maharashtra, Pilibhit Tiger Reserve in Uttar Pradesh and Ratapani Tiger Reserve in Madhya Pradesh.
Now, there is 40 tiger reserves.
From september, 9 tigres were dead (dead or skins)
1/09 in Ranthambore, 6/09 in Katerniaghat, 27/09 in Mumbai, 2/10 in Periyar, 6/10 in Sunderbans, 21/10 in Malappuram, 2/11 in Khana, 5/11 in Corbett, 11/11 in Balaghat...
Le 3e tigre prévu pour Sariska est en attente de transfert. Tous les spécialistes sont là. L'hiver est la saison la plus propice. |
A mâle tiger was dead with poison near village of Sautiya in the buffer zone of Khana.
October 2008
At the end of October, the good news came from Ranthambore.
2 cubs of the tigress found dead in September, are doing well. They feed young chitals and other small animals. This is something unbelievable. I had already seen this in a film shot in Khana. |
Evidence of strong ability to survive that tigers. Undoubtedly, these orphans of 9 months (1 male and 1 female) are sacred representatives of their race.
The 2nd good news comes from the south of the park, where a tigress gave birth to 2 small cubs, early summer. Many visitors had the rare opportunity to see these very small young tigers.
If we can save an animal as beautiful and emblematic that the tiger,
what will happen to other animals?
We can still change things and nothing is quite lost.
Only the mobilization of all able to stop the race to the destruction of life.
 The table below has been provided by the Indian Ministry of Environment and Forests. This is the total number of animals killed in India. Can be reached at some point misinformation continues. For example, where are the 24 tigers killed in the Sariska reserve discovered in 2005 ?
Only figures for the lions seem realistic. For the leopard, it would be laughable if it were not tragic ...
The day the Indian authorities recognize the reality, a huge step will be taken.
I fear that this day arrives when there will be no tigers in the wild ...
Encouraged by the translocation Ranthambore's tigers to Sariska, the forest department is planning to reintroduce the cheetah in India.
Animals should come from Africa. Transactions with Iran, which has the last specimens of Asian strain (about 50) have failed. The cheetahs are intended to Gajner forests near Birkaner. Personally it's 15 years that I hear about (as Gir lions to Khuno). If this is achieved within 2 years, one can think that things are changing, and it would also be good news for Indian wildlife in general.
Politicians came to the rescue of poachers. Poachers were taken with 6 traps tigers. But local politicians have mounted populations and with the crowd demanded the release of poachers. Free and hands full of blood. Bravo, gentlemen and shame on you.
Tigers were found killed in several parks (Periyar, Sunderbans, Khana ,...) This is the ransom of closing parks during the monsoon. Little monitoring is paradise for poachers. I have fear for the next counting, because now if we find dead tigers with bullets in the body, how have also disappeared ?...
As I said there is more than one year (see news in September 2007), or deductions on my "coup de gueule" of February, there are no female tigers in Panna, and without females no babies. The authorities have come to these conclusions... now.
Super, they are really fast ... or they do not care. Now as there are money to take, they make proposals to supply the funds. Why did they not protected tigers during the 10 years during which NGOs have given large money for the scientific monitoring. Panna was an example in this regard (scientific). (see the film "The Emerald Forest" on this topic)
September 2008
A bad news from Ranthambore. A tigress aged 8 years has been discovered dead. His body bears injuries suggesting she died as a result of a fight for its territory (or defend his cubs). Foresters have to find its 2 young cubs old 8 months.
The wildlife sanctuary of Parambikulam, in Kerala, is in the process of accessing the status of Tiger reserve. To this end, a buffer zone was established.
August 2008
One surprise as we often brings nature. While there is a project to transport from Khana a small group of gaur in the Bandhavgarh park (financed by an African lodge owner), it was seen at 20 kms to Bandhavgarh a group of these animals. The gaur was present at Bandhavgarh in the past (15 years ago).
Good news from Sariska. The tigress transported from Ranthambore seems preagnant. Was she it before the relocation ? That is what it seems, because the male tiger is not interresting by its neighbor. On the other hand, the authorities happy by good acclimatization of 2 relocated tigers, confirmed that another tigress will be imported in November. Two other tigers will follow next year (1 male and 1 female).
The western part of the Rajaji National Park saw a decline in its population of tigers. Three years ago there were 7, now they are 2. Probably because of poaching.
July 2008
Two villages will soon be relocated outside Ranthambore.
The 4 villages that are part of the first stage of the process are Indala, Kathuli, Mordungari and Bhir with a total of 350 families. The second phase will involve 7 villages. There are 100 villages in and around the park. The task is not easy.
Experts estimate that the space of a village serve territory for a tigress. A male tigre require the equivalent of 3 villages (cross with those of tigresses). This suggests that 2 phases of the plan will allow a dozen tigers adults to settle. Especially since the village of Mordungari (to relocate) is located near a large body of water, conducive to wildlife.
A tigress has just joined the tiger relocated to Sariska.
The male tiger has already caught prey. He was released from his fence and seeks to establish its territory near a water point. Everything is fine. |
The plan provides for another female at the end of the year, then 2 other tigers.
Experts estimate the capacity of the park to 50 tigers. For years the goal is two dozen tigers (the situation of 2003)
Armed forces (finally) are deployed to protect tigers during the monsoon period where poaching is raging. Thanks to their collars, tigers are monitored minute by minute. There are hopeful that these animals are finally peace, which is their due.
June 2008
That's it. Today, June 29, 1 tiger has been relocated to Sariska. In India, it is also the first time it carries a tiger a reserve to another. |
It began at 11.50 am when a helicopter of the Indian army took off from Ranthambore direction Sariska. A board a 220 kilos male tiger, aged 3 and a half years.
Previously the tiger had been captured and sleeping in Ranthambore. Then it was equipped with a GPS collar.
Once in Sariska (12.30) tiger was placed in a fence of 30 mx 30m; watchtowers were placed around it. Once relased in nature, tiger will be monitored with GPS.
The plan provides for 4 more tigers and the next will be a female, in a few days.
Sariska has a capacity to support 50 tigers. Remember that in the past, tigers were Sariska have all been poached. The government has recognized the problem and started the relocation of 2 of 11 villages which lies inside the park.
There is also a project to divert the high road traffic crossing Sariska.
The success of this process will depend the credibility of officials and their willingness to something to save their national treasure. Cross our fingers and that tigers can live free and happy as they did in ... 2 million years.
More space for tigers.
Ranthambore plans to extend the surface park including a portion of the sanctuary Kailadevi nearby. It "remains" to move 27 of 42 villages in the sanctuary. In the past, these operations took decades, ... when they were taken (except rare exceptions).
Translocation of tiger and the tigress from Ranthambore to Sariska is scheduled for 20/06.
Corbett National Park is one of the few parks with a population of tigers on the rise.
The place is no longer sufficient for tigers who must find a territory. They go out park creating conflicts with men. He was decided to add 30 kms of the forest Amangarh the buffer zone of the park. This forest is located in Uttar pradesh and Corbett in Uttarrakhand. It is therefore an inter- statements with a reinforcement of surveillance. It's a very good thing.
A hot-line will soon be available to provide information on crimes related to wildlife. On 7 / 7, this line is in conjunction with 5 regional offices and sub-3 regional charge of the fight against crimes on wildlife.
Good news for the park Pench. A tigress has given birth to 4 cubs, May 13. An another 3 cubs, May 21. There are an estimated 15 young tigers between 1 year and 19 young tigers between 12 and 18 months and finally, 33 adult tigers have been identified. |
May 2008
Sahyadri is now a Tiger reserve. Located in the state of Maharashtra, its surface of 741 km2. At the last census, there were 9 tigers and 66 leopards. The government announced a financial package for the relocation of 15 villages near the sanctuary.
Corbett tigers were rescued from poaching thanks to the action of WCCB (wildlife crime control bureau). The information received regarding suspicious movements of a member of the tribe Bavariya, WCCB be put into action. This person had come to Corbett to identify locations to tigers. It found tools for traps and nets, supplies, phone numbers and local contacts.
The office sent pictures of people in this community, arrested earlier for other cases of seizure of skins, braconnages operated in the tiger reserve of Srisailam.
These joint efforts made possible the detention of the trafficker.
Rangers, in Ranthambore, have announced an observation of a dozen young tigers. The high heat has enabled these observations. We have seen the tigresses going to drink the water points, accompanied by their cubs.
This is good news after the past 3 years, marked by an intense poaching.
The authorities are considering a levy of young (2 females and one male) to repopulate the park Sariska.
April 2008
Poachers and Justice:
New-Delhi, a municipal court Sansar Chand was discharged on charges of poaching.
The Delhi police had raided a house and had find 11 leopard skins and 2 of tigers and 2 men arrested Om Prakash and Rajesh kumar.
They said they worked for Sansar Chand.
In the country, Chand has over 40 cases pending against him under the law on wildlife.
... No comment.
A new article published on the site of wildlifephotography Naturapics.
This time, I paints a portrait of unicorne Indian rhinoceros. You can also read in this column on page 2, article I had previously devoted to tiger.
March 2008
The Indian TV channel has launched a petition to lobby Indian authorities. Several hundred thousand signatures already been collected.
The Ranthambore park authorities have identified 2 females and the male to be used to repopulate the Sariska reserve.
The reserve Sonanadi is added to Corbett. It will benefit from the protection of that one.
The Assam estimated that 18 rhinos are killed by the bullets of poachers in 2007
The government of Uttar Pradesh has decided to relocate 10 villages outside the Dudhwa National Park. 1500 people are affected by this move.
Official figures and details are now available, after a reading of the 165-page report, I chose to amend the schedule that I put online, taking into account only the figures in this report of the Wildlife Institute of India . Yet some of the figures do not correspond with the counts experts in the field (ex Panna, which experts say there is no mature females and despite this there are 22 tigers (excluding sub-youth and adults! ), the explosion in the number of deers in some parks denoting the absence of predators ...
I am afraid that these figures are arranged to be more presentable (that is seen in the past).
Some experts say that no more than 1000 tigers in India.
The official figure is 1411 tigers in India in 2007, compared to 3642 in 2002.
- 61%
Scientists have announced a range between 1165 and 1657.
If not we stop the disaster, in 5 years, there will be more than zoos for tigers.
What a sad fate for this majestic animal...
The populations of tigers that have the best chance of survival are in Nagarhole-Madumalai-Bandipur-Waynad in south, Corbett and Kanha in north, Kaziranga-Karbi Anglong in north-east and the Sunderbans.
Experts give a number of 70 tigers in the Sunderbans. This area was once the largest population of 267 tigers 5 years ago.
The number of tigers in the Valmiki Tiger Reserve (in the state of Bihar) is alarming.
46 tigers have "disappeared". At present, there 10 tigers. There were 56 in 2002 and 81 in 1989. This area bordering Nepal is difficult to monitor. But poachers say that the police and officials of wildlife are part of the racket. A story often heard. At the next census (2010?), there will be no more tigers in the reserve, but it will keep its name long ago Tiger reserve ...
Good news (the only), Corbett national park reported the largest population of tigers, 164. That fits well with my impressions in the field, with regard to management, the state of the park, stealth tigers, etc ...
For Khana, there was also a decline. I discussed with the forest guards about the number of tigers-collars equipped with radios. The families of tigers have good litters with 4 small (Urmapanee ...) The mother of her young cubs up to the age of 2 years and then they disappear ... Even tigers that have "migrated", with the phrase in vogue for not admit intensive poaching often with the complicity of officials of the administration.
A vision enclosure should be created around Ranthambore in the Sawai Mansingh Sanctuary. Its purpose is to accommodate the extra tigers of National Park (?), to ease tourist pressure and enable people to better see the tigers ...
I just gather all figures and information in my possession on the population of tigers in Indian states.
These figures should be available in late December 2007. They did not, even though it was already the overall numbers. They are so distressing that the government dares to publish and contests. One knows the process well. It is said that the previous census figures were not reliable (?), but at the time it was made widely publicized praising the effectiveness of the department of forests. Another technique is to say that the Tigers have "migrated" ... but it does not review ...
The table of the population of tigers with the official census 2007 - Click here -
January 2008
On January 30, India allocates € 150 million to try to save its tigers, the largest proportion will be used for the relocation of villages outside the main areas of the parks.
It was decided to create 8 new Tiger reserves: Parambikulam-Anamalai on the border Kerala-Tamil Nadu, Mudumalai In Tamil Nadu, Dandeli wildlife sanctuary and Anshi national park in Karnataka, Sanjay Gandhi national park and Sanjay Dhubri Wildlife sanctuary in Maddhya Pradesh, Udanti and Sitanadi in Chhattisgarh, Achanakmar in Chhattisgarh, Satkosia in Orissa and Kaziranga national park in Assam.
Diwakar Sharma of WWF-India said he hoped that Pilibhit forest will on the approved list.
Also, "We hope the list of the north and west will be notified soon. The ministery of Environment and Forests prepared the list, based on the recommendations of the Tiger Task Force appointed by the Minister Manmohan Singh, in the wake of the disappearance of the population of tigers in India.
Buxa Tiger Reserve in West Bengal has 15 tigers ... There were 32 in 1997 ...
The state of Uttar Pradesh now has between 100 to 120 tigers ...There were 475 in 1997 ...
Arrestation in Nepal, a major trafficker.
Tasi Tsering alias Tsewang, wanted by the Indian Government for Wildlife Crime was imprisoned in Nepal for 15 years.
If India applied the same rigor, the problem of traffic animals would be largely settled.
In this country, the traffickers are not worried. When they are arrested, they are free the next day with a small fine of € 50 for several tigers and leopards killed (See the examples of the past 20 years) ...
Tiger Yuvraj in Ranthambore was killed by poachers. Add to the 7 other adult tigers "disappeared" in 2007. There is still 32 tigers in the park.
2 tigers 22 months old have been equipped with radio collars to study their movement and their possible "disappearances".