October 2007
The end of this October brings once more dismal news.
It was at Khana, a jewel of the parks in India, that the incident took place
Roadmenders working to cut the grass along roadsides, have found the tiger paw caught in a trap jaw.
Upon arrival of the workers, he was released and free. It was found 2 other traps that have been placed on a crossroads as it is busy near the location of the place "Tiger shows" evidence that poachers do not fear the guards and certainly that they believe they are inefficient ...
August 2007
Bad news, population of tigers in India has been decimated. The figures have been confirmed during my trip May / June.
The international press echoed this terrible observation (Times of India, 4 / 08, Le Monde, 18/10)
"Le Monde" 18/10/2007
"1300 tigers: the species is in danger of extinction in India
An estimated 3500 population of tigers in the world, half located in India. The agency Governmental Wildlife Institute of India urged a survey whose final results expected be known next month. "We believe all, within the government and outside, it still contains tigers 1300 to 1500. It is shocking that we have permit it in only six years, "judge the expert Valmik Thapar referring to the 3642 Tigers in 2001. It died a tiger each day. At least 4 of 27 tiger reserves have no a tiger. The reasons are poaching and deforestation.
In 1925, it was 40000 tigers in India. "
June 2007
International mobilization to ask China to give up the breeding of tigers to supply Chinese medicine and restaurants..
May 2007
The funds collected by Raj (owner of “Nature Heritage”), allowed to buy 5 motor bikes which were offered to the guards of the park of Bandhavgarh,to ensure the monitoring of it more effectively.
Bandhavgarh profits only from little money coming from the government and ONG,
although it has the strongest density of tigers with the world.
The gifts of the tourists bear their fruits. There is no more poaching since 2003.
If you pass to Bandhavgarh, think of the tigers who gave you such an amount of pleasure.
The euros which you will give, are to them completely intended. Thanks for them.
Setting on line of this site specialized on the tiger and Indian fauna, if ignored, but so rich.
I hope that it will be able to interest you and beyond, to take part in the awakening
dramatic situation in which is the animal populations, by the fact of the man and his cupidity.
If we cannot save such a beautiful animal and emblematic that the tiger,
what will it be other animals?
We can still change the things and anything is not completely lost.
Only the mobilization of all will be able to stop the race towards the destruction of the alive one.
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