(list of the deaths identified and recognized officially)
80 (10% to 20% of the problem according to experts)
27/12: Bandipur, Karnataka: 1 tigress found dead.
21/12: Gadag: 1 skin seized.
18/12: Corbett, Uttar Pradesh: 1 tigress 11 years found dead.
14/12: Corbett, Uttar Pradesh: 1 tiger found dead.
12/12: Tiroda, Maddya Praddesh: 1 tiger killed and skinned.
10/12: Nagzira, : 1 tiger killed by poisoning and skinned.
13/11: Tadoba, Maharasthra: 2 tigers killed.
02/11: Nagpur, Maddhya Praddesh: 2 tiger's skins seized
04/11: Kanha, M.P.: 1 tigress 14 months, found dead
07/10: Kaziranga, Assam: 1 femele tiger poisoned
19/09: Kaziranga, Assam: 1 male tiger 7 years old poisoned
18/09: Khana, M.P.:1 tigress 16 months, found dead
20/08: Bandhavgarh, M.P.:1 tigress 6 years, found dead
19/08: Orang, Assam: 1 tiger dead (poisoning ?)
17/08: Nagarhole: 1 tiger 10 years old found dead
02/08: Nagarhole: 1 tigress found dead
02/08: Corbett, Uttar Pradesh: 1 tigress 4 years found dead
02/08: Chitegaon, : 1 tiger 5/6 years old dead in a well
- ? - : Manas, Assam: 4 tigers poached at the begining of year
18/07: Netidhopani, Sunderbans: 1 male tiger found dead
05/07: Bandipur, Karnataka: 1 tigress found dead
04/07: Bhadra, Karnataka: 1 tigress 6 years, relocated, dead
00/07: Sunderbans, W.B.: 1 tigress 18 years, killed by villagers
00/07: Sunderbans, W.B.: 1 tiger 5 years, killed by villagers
00/06: Bandipur, Karnataka: 3 tigers in few weeks
31/05: Keri, Goa: Fur and bones of tigers
29/05: Ramnagar, Uttar Pradesh: 1 tiger found dead
06/05: Bandhavgarh,Maddhya Pradesh: 1 tigress found dead
18/05: Lalmatiya, Dang: 1 tigre killed by a car
01/05: Sattari, Goa: 1 tiger killed with a steel trap
25/04: Bandhavgarh, M.P.: 1 small cub dead by a jeep
26/04: Kuldiha, Similipal: 1 tiger poisoned
15/04: Sattari, North Goa: 1 adult tiger in a trap
10/04: Kolkata, Sunderbans: 1 male tiger skin seized
08/04: Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh: 2 arrested, 1 tiger skin
06/04: Ranthambore, Rajasthan: 1 tigress (+ 2 cubs ?)
- ? - : Kuldiha, Similipal: 2 tigers poisoned
06/04: Dindigul, Tamil Nadu: 3 arrests, 1 tiger skin
02/04: Kanha, M.P.: 1 male tiger found dead poisoned
31/03: Kaziranga, Assam: 1 tiger killed by villagers
30/03: Chandrapur,Maharashtra:5 tigers,1 female,1 male,3 cubs
24/03:Talhodi, Maharashtra:1 cub found dead
24/03: Nagaon, Assam: 1 tiger killed by villagers
20/03: Bhadrawati, Maharashtra: 3 arrests with tiger's bones
17/03: Corbett, Uttar Pradesh: 1 other tiger dead Dhela Range
10/03: Corbett, Uttar Pradesh: 1 tiger 14 years Dhela Range
04/02: Tadoba Andhari, Maharashtra: 1 tigress found dead
24/02: Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh: 1 tigress "men eater" shot dead
16/02: Chandel, Manipur: 16 kg of tiger's bones, 2 squeletons,
13/02: Kaziranga, Assam: 1 tiger found dead
08/02: Pilibhit, Uttar Pradesh: 1 tiger dead near Sharda canal
31/01: Kanha, Maddya Praddesh: 1 tiger dead near Auraicamp
21/01: Kaziranga: 1 tigress found poisoned
19/01: Katni, Maddya Praddesh: 1 tiger skin found
18/01: Kanha, Maddya Praddesh: 1 tiger found dead
10/01: Kaziranga, Assam: 1 tiger found dead
05/01: Kaziranga, Assam: 1 tigress found dead
03/01: Kanha, Maddya Praddesh: 2 tiger's cubs found dead
03/01: Kaziranga, Assam: 1 tiger found dead
02/01/2009: Bhandara, Maharashtra: 1 tiger found dead
December 2009
Parambikulam, the new Tiger reserve of Kerala open in february 2010. The area is 643 km2.
Panna, male tiger relocated from Pench trying to find his home park. He completed 200 kms out of the Panna reserve. An extraordinary instinct. This tiger is extremely endangered, to be killed by men.
The authorities have decided to bring him back to sleep at Panna. It would be placed in an enclosure for be acclimated before being released to Panna.
November 2009
Tadoba, many families would soon be re-installed outside the park with compensation in land and money.
Panna, the park had lost all its tigers due to poaching, has received a male from Pench. 2 females had previously been bring, one from Khana and the other from Bandhavgarh.
A new Tiger reserve will be created in Darrah in Rajasthan. The Darrah National Park covers 250 km2.
This sanctuary was once a hunting reserve for Kota's maharajahs who hunted tigers and rhinos. Now these species have disappeared.
The authorities plan to relocate several tigers from Ranthambore.
" WPSI has documented the following cases:
37 tigers killed in 2006
27 tigers killed in 2007 "
October 2009
Good news among all this bad. For over 5 years I picked daily news originating from India,
I can say that arrests of poachers have never been so many (and many).
Remains to be more effectively given to these arrests, because with the law, politics, etc. ..
-The Rajaji National Park has lost half of its
tigers. Still only 12 against 24 before.
The Rajaji National Park has lost half of itstigers. Still only 12 against 24 before.
Ranthambore just get a big subsidy to protect its tigers. This will be used to compensate the relocation of 3 villages, Moredungri, Bhir and Khatuli, located on the outskirts of the park or in the corridor with Kailadevi.
It is surprise.
Sansar Chand, the biggest poacher and smuggler, a criminal who has confessed to responsible for the sale of 470 tiger skins and 2130 leopard skins.
On his diaries seized, he was scoring 40 tigers and 400 leopards in the 11 months between October 2003 and September 2004.
So the sentence of 5 years (?!) jail has been suspended!
September 2009
12 tigers killed in Kaziranga in November. 7 tigers in Khana this year.
Fears for Indian tiger after Chinese green light for the sale of tiger products. China has quietly approved the sale of products extracted from tiger. Environmentalists have warned that approval could boost trade secret potions and create a market for poachers who operate in India.
The State Forestry Administration of China, which is responsible for wildlife, published in December 2007, on a confidential document to the tiger trade "legally obtained".
Almost all references were then erased from the internet, apparently because of official fears for damage to the reputation of China before the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.
August 2009
223 Compensated families were displaced from the main park area of Similipal.
One more tigress found dead in Bandhavgarh. She leaves 3 cubs 7 months old. We think she was poisoned. An autopsy is pending.
If the conditions for protection are not taken urgently, 7 other reserves join the list of "Tiger Reserve" without tigers.
Buxa, Namdapha, Manas, Valmiki, Similipal, Indravati, Palamu.
In Manas, which I know to be gone last year, I'm just a dreamer when authorities speak of a poor conservation. In fact, it's a disaster.
The grasslands have been colonized by cows, so much so that I spoke of "Cows reserve".
The watchtowers were destroyed or ruined, there is virtually no wildlife of big mammals. Oh yes, I forgot. There is still a crocodile that guards offer proudly. You are in front of a small creek surrounded by corrugated metal, and ...no crocodile ... The rest is in keeping. This park is part of World Heritage by UNESCO. There were horned rhinos, manyl of tigers, golden langurs, clouded leopard, etc. ... Everything was poached.
A question anyway.
If a little French same me with its limited resources, can come and do this finding, what then did the authorities for decades. Are they blind? I think not.
Yes, I know there are issues that angry. Corruption, lax, no motivation, no interest ... again and again.
July 2009
Three poachers have been arrested. They are responsible for the poaching of tigers in Ranthambore and Sariska. These men belong to the community Mogiya, which are known for poaching.
A poacher arrested at Katni. This man 30 years old, Durru, is responsible for the death dozens of tigers and leopards in Karnataka and Maharastra. It is also sought for the poaching of Gujarat's lions.
A woman poacher was condemmed 5 years in jail.
Already arrested in 1992 for poaching tigers, she was released thanks to political support. Arrested again in 2005 for the same reasons, she had 9 months jail. Leaving it again and was resumed in 2007. I hope they will keep it cool for a long time.
The list goes on. After Sariska, Panna recently, is that Sanjay has not tigers. This reserve located in Maddhya Paddesh was elected Tiger reserve last year !!.
For my part, I think in 5 years on 40 Tiger reserves, only 10 will still tigers. (Corbett, Dudhwa, Nagarhole, Bandipur, Badhra, Pench, Bandhavgarh, Khana, Ranthambore, Sunderbans).
Others have no tigers, or populations too small and not viable.
Blamed inefficient administration, corrupt and not substantiated.
Sad end for the most beautiful cat in the world.
An alarm of Valmik Thapar:"I think
we live with the last tigers in India and in 2015 they could have disappeared"
The NTCA mentions the alarming figures of the dead identified
2007: 41
2008: 53
2009: 45 (6 months)
A chip was implanted in the body of a tigress to follow her in the Sunderbans. The
population of tigers in this region is in free fall. The Sunderbans was the region with more tigers.
In the past there were 274 (in 2006), now?
A bit of history to recall the responsibility we have had in the disappearance of the tiger.
Some figures on the "hunt" / killings of maharajas for / with British officers ...
Maharaja of Surguja 1100 tigers
Maharaja of Udaipur 1000 tigers
Maharaja of Vijaynagaram 525 tigers
Maharaja of Rewa 300 tigers
Formidable expertise of authorities:
Responsible for the decline of tigers is ... tourism.
It's amazing!
And poachers? Oh, no.
June 2009
Maddhya Praddesh will get a special protection's force to be deployed in Bandhavgarh, Khana and Pench.
It was also allocated large sums for the purchase of patrol vehicules,...
Result of census in Rajasthan has just arrived. Total tigers: 44
Ranthambore: 36 (including 2 young)
Sawai Mansingh sanctuary: 4
Kaila Davi sanctuary: 1
Sariska: 3 (from Ranthambore)
This is an improvement compared to 2007.
44 (42) against 32
736 families will be relocated to
Bhadra reserve in Karnataka.
We look forward to the first litter of
tigresses transferred to Sariska. They were seen in the process of mating with male from Ranthambore.
It is feared that the Maddhya Pradesh lose the title of "Land of the Tiger". It has failed to protect its tigers (and animals), most of the gangs of poachers come from this state. They are well known and carry out their crimes from generation to generation. In view of all, some traffickers were able to acquire houses, big cars, with impunity.
May 2009
Black story in Bandhavgarh.
A tigress in the area of Kitauli who killed 2 times in Panpatha, she is deported in Bophal zoo. Its 3 small cubs should follow her in captivity because they were too young to survive without their mother. Thanks to the intervention of director of the park, which is committed to ensuring that no more dead, the tigers were able to escape a grim fate. The park employee 3 elephants with mahouts to monitor and prevent any new problem. Since 2 months, no problem.
In 6 months, the park has lost 4 tigers.
First there is the sending the young male cub of Churbara in captivity, for killing a person in the park. (December 2008)
Then there was the transfer of the tigress Bithri to the Panna's park where all the tigers have been poached. The aim is to repopulate the park, but security conditions are not met. The survival of this tiger is more uncertain.
Then there was one small cub of Chakradara tigress which was crushed by a jeep. The driver wanted coming very close to these cubs for an American custumer (?). Three small cubs crossed the road, the 4th took refuge under the jeep. Small cub was 5 months old. The tigress went to
jeep to see the small cub and the driver panicked, with its jeep he broke inside the small body. The young tiger has was found dead the next day. The park authorities have reacted quickly. After collecting evidence, they were imprisoned the driver with a charge of poaching punishable by 7 years' imprisonment (new laws)
Finally the sad news of the death of tiger Amanala. His body was found half eaten by scavengers. The circumstances of his death have not been defined by autopsy. It leaves 3 orphans of 17 months (1 female and 2 males). The park authorities have posted guards with elephants to track their young lives. In case of problems (food or other) they will be able to intervene. At 17 months tigers have not yet learning to hunt. The good news is that the young female has recently killed prey. Often females are more early.
The news of the death of Amanala deeply moved all the people who love the park and its tigers. For me, it's the 2nd tiger I saw in India, there are already long. I will never forget the circumstances. The good mother gave to Bandhavgarh park, 5 litters for a total of 18 young tigers, which represents a record for a wild tiger. All these cubs have been raised to maturity but one, proof of attention of the dedicated and experienced mother. It was hoped that she could still continue for a long time to live quietly and raise other young tigers.
Amanala was 12 and a half years old.
Yet, there is no doubt that Bandhavgarh will recover from all these tests.
15 years ago, poaching decimated the majority of tigers. Since then, thanks to good management, dedication and passion of the guards, guides and owner's lodges (I think my friend Raj), Bandhavgarh has the most flourishing population of tigers in the world.
For the future, the best thing you can do is continue to come to Bandhavgarh admire these beautiful animals. Thus the dynasty of Bandhavgarh's tigers will continue.
April 2009
38 Tigers killed in 4 months
Official census and 10% of the real problem
Soon there will be no tigers in India.
Unfortunately poachers are faster than the slow and corrupt administration.
Reminder of official figures for recent years:
" WPSI has documented the following cases:
37 tigers killed in 2006
27 tigers killed in 2007 "
The figures of the first 4 months of 2009 are already higher than a year ago.
The new tiger reserve Pilibhit will present an ambitious plan that includes 5 zones in a large area protected.
A plan to increase the surface's Corbett should be launched shortly.
News from Panna:
1°- in 2005, doctor Chundawat proclaimed the tigers disparition in Panna. The authorities have responded there were 20 tigresses, 10 tigers and a cub = 31
2°- in 2006, the count gave about 8 to 15 tigers.
3°- in 2008, authorities reported that the population of tigers were sufficient to survive.
4°- in 2009, the authorities admit that the last tiger (male) has "disappeared".
5°- conclusion: thanks corruption. Panna = Sariska
New surprising: footprints of Bengal tiger has been discovered at 3000 m altitude in the Himalaya, in the state of Sikkim.
Usually it is below 1800 m and in the plains for Bengal tigers.
Looking at the numbers that fall in Khana, there is cause for concern.
In one year, the losses are many. So far, this does not make the headlines of newspapers.
Khana is and must be an exemplary model of national parks in India ...?!
March 2009
Sad census: 20 Tigers killed in 2 months and half. Recall that the global fight against poaching believe that it represents 10% of reality.
For my part, I think the population of tigers in the year 2009 will be less than 1000.
Obviously the officials will present a stable population or a slight increase
In the figures, it is only captured or found dead tigers in the wild.
A young tigress, taken from the area in Kisla at Khana, has been sent to Panna for March 9 to rebuild a decimated population of tigers after a scandal consciences stifled.
What happened to Panna is even worse than in Sariska. First by the number of tigers killed. Then because this shows that nothing has changed despite the statements. Finally, the corrupted administration of parks not been replaced in many places.
Recall that Panna is one of the reserves who benefited grants and scientific monitoring of quality (Dr. Raghu Chundawat).
Bandhavgarh on Wednesday 4 March, a young tigress 4 years old (name Bithri)has been captured and sent to Panna. A tiger that I have photographed several times with his brothers, I hope that it will be preserved from the cruelty of poachers who should rejoice that they leads work at home.
Khana, guides, rangers and drivers went on strike to prevent that take a tigress to send in a place (Panna), where it probably will leave in few months in parts.
Unfortunately, the reality is presented on the 40 tigers of Panna were killed (40 tigers in 2005, census 2005).The appalling fact is the result of a government which hid duped figures in recent years. They tried again in June 2008 that there was "a population tigers flourished and sufficient for its survival. "Also in this muddy, it will now proceed to translocalisation 2 tigresses (since Khana and Bandhavgarh) because now there is only one tiger ... that we had not seen for 45 days ... Bizarre, bizarre, and especially alarming.
So it's Sariska power 2 (this park had 24 tigers were killed in a few years)
What will be the next park ?
How long before India lost its brightest jewel and the world a wonder that makes us dream. Soon the tiger exist only in zoos and the emblems of the great companies, sports teams, .... How sad!
February 2009
In Ranthambore, soon, a relocalization of 2 tigers together.
Red alert in the parks, a number of tigers killed in the last 3 months, never seen before.
In Kaziranga, the authorities admit 8 tigers killed in 3 months. In Khana, 5 tigers. In Panna, it is unclear even if there are still tigers today. In Corbett, skin was seized.
This is the visible part. The tiger found dead or skins seizures. I am appalled to see the number of seizures in one year. Experts estimate that it represents 10% of traffic. What is certain: there are more and more seizures or tigers found dead (poached). Is this the fight against poaching, which is more efficient or increasing the killings?
I think the 2. Expect us alarming news. The number of animals as quickly diminishing, "disappearances" are now very visible. 2009 will not be a good year.
And when I think that the authorities intend to take tigers Bandhavgarh to repopulate Panna. That the killers serve on a platter.
The Committee of the National Tiger Conservation Authority meeting in Delhi on 7 February was estimated at 1,500 villages and 65,000 families living inside the Tiger reserves.
Relocation program Ranthambore tigers to Sariska back in a "artistic" fog (Indian bureaucratic obscurity to be clear).
Rivalities between the NTCA, the Wii and the forest department.
The instructions were to take tigers left the park. Those who became dead tigers after leaving the protection Park. The interest was evident to those for relocations and save them from certain death. It seems that the authorities have taken the 2 relocated tigers within the park on the pretext that it is difficult (or easier ...?) Project considering the 6 tigers, but now opposes it from all sides.
You should know that in India the "discussions" can last for years ...
Currently there are 2 other tigers that migrate outside the park. Who would be better in Sariska
than under the bullets of a poacher. Awaiting the end of the rivalry. Which will surely died before the end of the discussions ...
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